

2006-08-04 Dig-IMG_0010 RHF Arjan2.jpg

Arjan Janissen started his career many years ago, taking part in many courses and being part of a children’s choir. Ever since he has been perfecting his talents as an artist, not only singing and dancing but also as a DJ and solo-entertainer. Along with many bars and discotheques, his work areas include the Robin Hood Festival and Centerparcs Europe.


In 2009 Arjan succesfully finished his education at the MusicAll Factory in Tilburg, where he was trained to be a musical actor capable of performing shows on major platforms like Broadway and the West End.


His skills today include singing, dancing, acting, storytelling, playing percussion instruments, stilt walking, archery and many other things that could be needed or wanted at a (family) event.

In his graduation year at the MusicAll Factory Arjan worked on two major projects. First, his self-written soloperformance of 20 minutes, second, his adaption of the role of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 'Mozart! The musical'.

Page modified: 05-02-2014 15:53